Loops and Bundles

Much like rest of Filament, generative programs in Filament need to be safe, i.e., correctly pipelined. We'll learn about two features in Filament that help us write safe programs: foreloops and bundles which help us write safe and efficient hardware modules.

Our running example will be a shift register. A shift register is a linear chain of registers that forward their values every cycle:

graph LR;
    R0 --> R1 --> R2 --> R3;

Our goal is to build a parameterizable shift register which takes some value N and builds a chain of N registers. The first order of business is to define the interface of the shift register.

comp Shift[#N](
    @[G, G+1] input: 32
) -> (@[G+#N, G+#N+1] out: 32);

Notice that we accept an input in the first cycle, [G, G+1), and is produced N cycles later in [G+#N, G+#N+1). For the implementation, we'd like to use a for loop to build up a chain of registers. Here is some python pseudocode for how we might do this:

# Initial output is just the input
cur_out = input
for i in range(0, N):
    # Build a new register and connect
    # its input to the previous output
    new_reg = Register(32)
    new_reg.input = cur_out
    # Update the current register and output
    cur_out = new_reg.out
# Output the final value
out = cur_out


While straightforward, this code is hard for Filament to check: it does not understand when each register is used relative to the module's start time. We'll use a bundle to help Filament understand how the output signals from the register are used. A bundle is a sized array with a type describing when the values in the bundle are available:

bundle f[#N]: for<#i> @[G+#i, G+#i+1] 32

This defines a bundle f with N. The type for the bundle states that the value at index i in the bundle is available in the interval [G+i, G+i+1). For example, the value at f{0} is available at [G, G+1), f{1} is available at [G+1, G+2), and so on. Intuitively, each index in the bundle represents the input to a register in the shift register chain.


Filament loops are nothing special: they simply allow you to iterate over a numeric range:

for #i in s..e {

This defines a loop where the value of #i ranges from s to e (exclusive).


Using these two operations, we can implement a shift register. The following implementation is parameteric both over the width of the register and the number of registers in the chain:

// A component that delays `in` by D cycles.
// Uses the Delay component under the hood.
comp Shift[W, D, ?N=1]<'G: 1>(
   in[N]: ['G, 'G+1] W
) -> (
   out[N]: ['G+D, 'G+D+1] W
) where W > 0 {
   in_concat := new ConcatBundle[W, N]<'G>(in{0..N});

   bundle f[D+1]: for<k> ['G+k, 'G+k+1] W*N;

   f{0} = in_concat.out;
   for i in 0..D {
      d := new Delay[W*N]<'G+i>(f{i});
      f{i+1} = d.out;
   out_split := new SplitWire[W, N]<'G+D>(f{D});
   out{0..N} = out_split.out{0..N};